Iekļaušana un iekļaušanās

Erasmus+ projekts “Iekļaušana un iekļaušanās”


Norises laiks: 01.06.2023.-30.11.2024.

Realizētās aktivitātes:

  1. Iekļaujošā darba ēnošana. Dzintra Plūme, Sanda Pētersone, Daiga Lipse, Karīna Burija;
  2. Kursu apmācības:
  • Classroom Management Solutions for Teachers: New Methodologies, Effective Motivation, Cooperation and Evaluation Strategies. Dace Babāne, Gunita Kalniņa;
  • Happy Schools: Positive Education for Well-Being and Life-Skills Developement. Linda Burtniece, Elita Geca;
  • Gender and Sexuality: How to Support and Guide Your Students. Līga Rudzīte, Dana Kolovanova, Sanda Pētersone;
  • Drawing and Painting in Barcelona: Everyone is an Artist! Iveta Razgale, Ingūna Balode;
  • Special Needs through the Art of Rhythm, Movement, Silence,  Nature and Cooperation. Baiba Rulle, Linda Mangule;
  • Succesful Strategies for Teaching Students with Special Needs. Anita Tropa;
  • Supporting mental well being in education. Dace Dombrovska, Juris Dombrovskis;
  • Diversity in the classroom: teaching tolerance and overcoming prejudices and discrimination. Santa Ustinoviča, Diāna Ķēniņa, Līga Bužere;

3. Skolēnu pašpārvaldes pieredzes apmaiņa. 6 skolēnu pašpārvaldes skolēni. Pavadošie pedagogi: Santa Mežvēvere, Daiga Lipse.


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